Multichannel amplifier for the UHF band designed to work with a group ofadjacent channels. Each module permits the amplification and equalisationof two to four channels. The level of the group of channels can be adjustedbut not each channel independently. High gain and output level. The initialchannel of the group should be specified in the order.
Large digital and analogue terrestrial MATV installations where adjacentanalogue or digital channels exist. Recommended for use in areas ofreception where the relation in levels between analogue and digitalchannels is constant. Normally used to amplify one analogue channel alongwith several digital channels.
Each module consists of a three-stage input filter, an amplifier and anoutput filter which is three-stage, the filters are cavities. Filters remain highlystable with variations in temperature. Attenuator using an active MOSMICregulator reduces the noise figure. 30dB multiturn attenuator. Switch tosupply power to preamplifiers with protection against short circuits.