BrainCore CU

BrainCore CU

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BrainCore CU is an audio black box with flexible applications and easy configuration. Through the BrainCore™ technology, an innovative core technology independently developed by Audiocenter, based on the characteristics of Audiocenter ’s own speakers and different application scenarios, scene presets that can meet a variety of application needs have been created. Users only need to call the corresponding presets according to the combination of speakers and application scenarios, and can quickly create an audio system without professional debugging, and get a more satisfactory sound effect.

  • With more than 20 years experiences of product development and system application, and repeated testing and debugging, these presets can meet a variety of application needs
  • Users only need to import the system preset package through "CU Preset" to use
  • Directly call the system preset package, you can get satisfactory sound effects without professional debugging
  • 1 ~ 9 total 9 preset gears (0 default is BY PASS)